Teen Challenge

Teen Challenge

History – The ministry was begun in 1958 in New York City by Rev. David Wilkerson. Since that time, it has grown into an international organization with hundreds of centers around the world. While the ministry began with a focus on teen-aged gang members, Teen Challenge now reaches men and women with any life-controlling problem of any age.

Teen Challenge began in Sacramento in 1974 and SVTC now oversees an array of community outreaches besides operating four centers where men and women eighteen years and older can reside while they undergo the 12 to 18 month Christian-life training program. Needy minors are referred to centers who care for minors only.

Here at First Assembly, our goal is to hopefully soon open up a Teen Challenge center here in Oroville.  Currently we are an assessment center where those seeking help can come and be interviewed to see if they are a qualified candidate to join the program.  Those seeking help to be freed from drugs may call our office for more information.